
For more information, click on the picture of each project to link to articles detailing the inspiration, concepts, and intentions of each of these Drowning Sculpture creations.

This electrified artificial is a tribute to Chad Scott, marine conservationist and founder of Conservation Diver and the NHRCP. It serves to remind us that the efforts of those seeking to good do not come without their sacrifices, as others in life seek to profit and gain from their struggles for their own ends.

The Siren of the Sea (a.k.a. the Blue Energy Reef Project) is an instillation found on Halik Reef and can be snorkeled to off the shores of Gili Meno, Indonesia. The site was the culmination of a massive collaboration between the Gili Eco Trust,, Biorock Indonesia, the local government and Spencer Arnold who represented Conservation Diver in this endeavor. The site sits as an example of the first effort to create an electrified artificial reef energized by marine currents and tides or "blue energy".

The Colony

The first drowning sculpture instillation involving the faces of marine conservationists envisioned as polyps in budding coral colony. The anthropomorphic sculpture challenges us to see ourselves in these distant relatives of ours, and question the relationships we foster with one another in a world stifled by competition and personal greed.

As the second of our electrified sculptures, the concept Love is Blind depects a Sloan's Viperfish, a deepsea species that uses a bioluminescent lure to attract it's prey. The sculpture itself was equipped with its own light lure thanks to Coral Aid. Unfortunately, Love is Blind was destroyed during the Hurricane Pabuk in early 2019 like many of the natural reefs on the eastern side of Koh Tao, reminding us of the devastating power of mother nature and how our best laid plans often go awry.

Drowning in Despair

Inspired by overwhelming feelings of environment despair in the face of catastrophes on a global scale that paralyze our ability to act. These first Drowning Sculptures are transformative, and with years of Conservation Diver coral gardening techniques, these images of despair are becoming grown over with thriving coral colonies, replacing the haunting images with ones of hope.

Tree of Life Halo

The Tree of Life is an electrified artificial reef using Coral Aid technology that serves as a tree of life both as a concept and in function. The low impressed current has made this artificial tree a perfect habitat for marine life, and the branches of the tree are home to many juvenile fish using the sculpture to give them a chance at survival in a dangerous ocean.

Trash Seahorse

The Trash Seahorse was a sculpture haphazardly pulled together on short notice as apart of a festival that requested a sculpture to help raise awareness for the overconsumption of plastics on the small island of Koh Tao. After winning the sculpture competition, the funds earned paid for the cost of the materials of building the sculpture and it became the first of the electrified sculptures at the Coral Aid site in Aow Leuk.